September 5 (Wednesday), 3pm Dr. Arnold (Arnie) Gundersen Press Conference (with English/Japanese interpretation)


Dr. Gundersen is an American scientist, advisor, and specialist in
atomic energy policy. Immediately following the Tohoku Earthquake of
March 11, 2011 and the resultant meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi
plant, radiation levels in the area attained, and remain at “level 7”,
according to the International Nuclear Events Scale (INES). Dr.
Gunderson continues to analyze an monitor the influence of and the
trends surrounding the disaster.

At this press conference, he will present and answer questions regarding
his interpretation of the events surrounding the Fukushima plant
accident, as well as the prospects for a shift in energy creation and


Details are the following:

Time:  September 5th, (Wednesday) 3pm (Registration begins at 2pm)
Presenter: Dr. Arnold (Arnie) Gundersen,  Fairewinds (energy consulting
company, Chief Engineer)

Theme: The influence and impact of the Fukushima Daiichi accident, and
the prospects for a shift in energy policy going forward.

Organizer: Free Press Association Japan (FPAJ)

Place: Kojimachi Press Conference Hall (Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, Kojimachi
2-2-4, Kojimachi YT Bldg. 2F)
How to apply to attend: Go to “会見参加登録#3

And fill in the form on that page. Alternately, this form may be filled
out in person.


Please check in advance the press conference regulations:
. Participants will be asked to present an official identification with
a picture, such as a driver’s license or a passport. Entry will be
denied if participant fails to present such identification.
. Bags will be checked with metal detectors. To ensure a smoothly
managed press conference for all attendants, participants are asked to
cooperate with the organizers in security procedures and in abiding by
the seat allocation. Participants are asked to observe journalistic
ethics and social manners such as consideration of other participants.
. Regarding coverage, the association does not regulate how the content
obtained at the press conference is reported. Participants are free to
release their report on the various media, but are responsible for the
. At the Q and A session, participants are asked to raise their hand and
wait until they are picked by the facilitator. Before asking their
question, participants are asked to introduce themselves by stating
their name and affiliation. . To ensure participation by as many people
as possible, each person can only ask one brief question. (If time
allows, participants will be given the chance to ask again)
. Flash photography will only be allowed at the beginning of the
Conference. The noise caused by continuous shooting is a nuisance to
other participants, so your consideration is appreciated.
. The press conference is not a place for protest, participants are not
allowed to petition, distribute leaflets and pamphlets, or carry banners
inside the venue.
. Please note that we allow attending correspondents to take pictures of
fellow participants at the venue
. Participants who fail to comply with the above mentioned regulations
will be asked to leave the venue by the organizer

Your cooperation is appreciated.
